
Single Tooth Anesthesia: The Wand

The Wand STA System

Dental patients everywhere have one thing in common: most people don’t like anesthetic shots. In addition to being intimidating and painful, most patients have to endure multiple shots to numb the tooth or teeth in question—an ordeal that is almost worse than the procedure itself.

To make the process of getting dental care more comfortable, our practice has transitioned to the Wand Single Tooth Anesthesia system. Instead of numbing the entire area around your damaged tooth with large, intimidating syringes, the Wand discreetly numbs the individual tooth dentists need to work on. The Wand STA System is also unique because it delivers a computer-controlled flow of anesthesia rather than one large, stinging injection, creating a more comfortable numbing experience.

State-Of-The-Art Design

The Wand STA System

The Wand component of the STA System looks like a small pen with a cord attached to it. At the tip of this wand, there is an extremely small needle that is used to deliver the anesthesia. Because the Wand looks so benign, it is perfect for patients who are nervous about shots and needles, such as children who haven’t had much practice with injections or adults and teens with dental phobias or anxiety.

As your dentist works on your teeth, they can control the flow of anesthesia to keep you as comfortable as possible. The Wand delivers the medicine at precisely the right rate for the tissue density of the area, offering patients the pain relief they need immediately. In fact, most patients report that injections with the Wand STA system are completely painless.

the wand sta

No Collateral Numbness

One of the biggest benefits of the Wand STA system is the fact that only the damaged tooth or teeth are numbed, instead of entire sections of the mouth. This makes it possible for patients to return to work or school immediately after appointments, without worrying about how they will look, talk, eat, or drink. The localized numbness is much easier to manage than a more widespread effect, so you can get back to your life more easily.

At Dental Excellence, we are dedicated to creating the best patient experience possible. To learn more about the Wand STA System, contact us to schedule an appointment for a checkup today.

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